Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rant against WBEZ, Chicago Public Radio

I am mad at Chicago Public Radio. I am so angry that I took the unheard of position of cancelling my membership. Bill and I have been members for over 10 years. I have even been a volunteer during pledge drives.

I listen to WBEZ religiously every day when I get home from work. All Things Considered, Marketplace and WorldView are my daily dose of news and happenings. Those programs are my companions during my downtime doing various things around the house or making supper.

Can you imagine my surprise when I heard one of the sponsors is Monsanto? And on top of that - claiming to be a proponent and supporter of SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE? Say what?!?

I called and cancelled our membership and told them why. The response was polite. I think I will follow up with a letter explaning my disgust.

I will send our money to Wisconsin Public Radio or to Iowa Public Radio instead.

1 comment:

Barb said...

I stopped listening too. I can't believe they sold out. "Susutainable agriculture", what a joke!