I love this tree and we tried to save it. But frankly, it is way too large for the space it is in. Additionally, since we are designing passive solar into our plans and this non-deciduous tree is on the south side of the house, it is coming down.
We are saving the wood and going to have it milled into board lengths for use as stair treads and perhaps cabinets.
It is being cut today. It sure will look different when we go up next time.
Hi Angie!
This is the first time I've seen pics of the outside of the farmhouse. Does the house flood during heavy rain? I always get nervous when I see a house situated on a hill like that - just my own paranoia lol. Looks like they faced the front door right to the hillside for the water to run in. This summer's flood has caused me to look at things a bit differently. Hope I'm wrong and you get no water!!!
Hi Penny,
We get TONS of water. The tree is the first phase of a excavation project. While restoring the barn, we are also working to re-grade the area around the house to redirect the flow of water. If you saw (and maybe some day we can plan a farm visit? :) ) the hillside on the back of the house you would really be frightened! There is an entire hillside that drains the watershed right down to our front door. Sigh... lots of work to engineer our way out of this one.
I was afraid of that! When I saw that hillside in the picture heading right toward the door I was scared for you! :-)
Maybe I'll see you Wednesday at tomato field day!
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