Bill hand weeding Field #1 Field #1 got buckwheat
Field #2 and #3 got a green manure mix
Field peas, oats and hairy vetch
We poured the seed mix into a trug. (I can not recommend trugs enough. I've used them for everything from harvesting, washing, carrying gear, and mixing inoculant.)
We then sprinkled the half of the inoculant packet over the seeds and sprinkled about 3 oz of water (from our water jug from the cooler) and using our hands we stirred the seeds around. The black inoculant spread evenly thru the seed and the seed remained dry enough to still be spread through our hand spreader.
The teeny black specks are the inoculant
This is Field #1 with the buckwheat barely sprouting. I hope it hurries up! It has a lot of weed seeds that need to be smothered.
I recently harvested the onions from the farm garden. I bought these on a whim all dried and half sprouted in June from the bargain bin of the local Cuba City grocery store. We planted them as an experiment and we got about 100 (smallish) onions from our efforts. They are curing in the barn. This little experiment has us dreaming us all of the onion varieties we will grow next year!
Lovin' those bread trays